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Higher education goes hand in hand with research – in our LAS Program and teaching projects. Staff and Teaching Fellows conduct and include research in teaching. Reflections on scientific knowledge and methods are the LAS Program's interdisciplinary backbone and represented by the UCF professorships: Epistemology and Theory of Science and Science and Technology Studies. Finally, our offerings enable students to conduct student research

Recent Research Highlights

Publication by UCF alum Sabina Grigore (Governance)

Publications by UCF alum Denicia Kassie (Environmental and Sustainability Sciences)

  • Kassie, Denicia. Unravelling the legal labyrinth: Investigating barriers to effective adoption and enforcement of international environmental law in domestic jurisdictions, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 352, 2024,
  • Diehl, J.M.C., Kassie, D. & Biedermann, P.H.W. Friend or foe: Ambrosia beetle response to volatiles of common threats in their fungus gardens. Symbiosis 89, 353–358 (2023).

Latest Publications by Prof. Frieder Vogelmann

  • Umkämpfte Wissenschaften – zwischen Idealisierung und Verachtung. Stuttgart: Reclam 2023.
  • Die Wirksamkeit des Wissens. Eine politische Epistemologie. Berlin: Suhrkamp 2022.


Research on student-centred higher education

  • Mathias Hempfling and Lisa Hüther-Pape (2022). Integrating the student perspective: A framework for teaching competences in European higher education. Preprint July 13, 2022,

Latest Publication by Prof. Dr. Veronika Lipphardt (2021)

Book publication / translation by Prof. Hans-Joachim Gehrke (August 2020)

  • (editor) Making Civilizations. The World before 600, Cambridge, MA 2020, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press (transl. of Geschichte der Welt. Die Welt vor 600: Frühe Zivilisationen, München 2017, C.H. Beck)

Book publication by UCF dean of studies Prof. Dr. Sitta von Reden (December 2019)

Book publication by UCF staff member Dr. Marie Muschalek (July 2019)

Joint UCF Student-Staff Publication (February 2019)

  • Gross, P., Buchanan, N. & Sané, S. (2019): Blue skies in the making: Air quality action plans and urban imaginaries in London, Hong Kong, and San Francisco. Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 48, 85-95. doi:

Publications on Didactics in Political Science Teaching (September 2018)

Publication of the Multidisciplinary STS@Freiburg Initiative (May 2018)

  • "Forensic DNA Phenotyping Legislation Cannot be Based on 'Ideal FDP.'" N. Buchanan, F. Staubach, M. Wienroth, P. Pfaffelhuber, M. Surdu, A. Lipphardt, A. Köttgen, D. Syndercombe-Court, and V. Lipphardt. Forthcoming in Forensic Science International: Genetics. doi:

Research Fields

Professorship in Epistemology and Theory of Science (ETS)

The Professorship covers, in research and in teaching, systematic and historical perspectives on epistemology and on the sciences and humanities. It focuses on political epistemology, understood as the intertwinement of epistemology and philosophy of science with social and political theory.

Professorship in Science and Technology Studies (STS)

Science and Technology Studies pursues the empirical study of science and technology, with an emphasis on the actual practices of scientists and engineers as they engage in knowledge-making and the development of technologies. And STS investigates the impact of this knowledge and technology on society.

LAS Academic Staff

The breadth of research conducted at UCF reflects the interdisciplinarity of the LAS study program that ranges from the natural (Earth and Environmental Sciences, Life Sciences) and social sciences (Governance) to the humanities (Culture and History). In their research, academic staff often collaborates with other researchers and research projects at the University of Freiburg and beyond.

Student Research

LAS provides students – as potential early-stage researchers – space and guidance to engage in supervised research projects and other inquiry-based learning formats.

And students and graduates (co-)publish first research findings: