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Teaching Projects

Teaching Projects

UCF is a platform for international and/or interdisciplinary teaching projects. In cooperation with partners at the University of Freiburg and beyond, we offer seminars, projects... for students from various disciplines.

EPICUR – Towards a European University


EPICUR (European Partnership for Innovative Campus Unifying Regions) is a pilot project for the European University of the future. Its focus is innovative, interdisciplinary, cross-border teaching and learning. With eight partners in six countries, EPICUR provides a European-wide campus for 307,000 students, and places "Liberal Arts and Sciences Education" at the center of its endeavor.

Wissenschaft – Technologie – Gesellschaft

Tile WiTeGe

Seit dem WS 2019/20 bietet das UCF Seminare für Bachelor- und Masterstudierende aller Fakultäten an. In diesen Seminaren erkunden Studierende zusammen mit Expert*innen, wie sich Wissenschaft, Technologie und Gesellschaft gegenseitig bedingen und welche sozial-ethischen Fragen mit neuen wissenschaftlichen und technologischen Entwicklungen einhergehen. Hier finden Sie alle aktuellen Kurse.

UCF Lecture Series

UCF regularly hosts university and broader public lecture series (usually in German). In the past years, we invited experts from the University of Freiburg and beyond to talk about various interdisciplinary topics:

FRIAS Lunch Lecture Series

The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) hosts a semesterly lunch lecture series that aims to offer both undergraduate and graduate students and, essentially, everyone interested a first-hand account of the research projects of the current External Fellows at FRIAS and colleagues from across the University. Current and past series are listed on the FRIAS website.

The event and seminar series "Academia meets Industry" brings students, researchers, and industry managers together to discuss complex challenges in science, management, politics, and society from different perspectives. The thematic focus is on emerging issues in the life sciences.

Past Projects

  • The VirtualLAS Project was funded by the DAAD and implemented in two successful rounds in 2020/21 and 2021/22. With international partners across Europe and the Atlantic, VirtualLAS teaching projects focused on (1) collaborative, digitally based teaching, (2) student-instructor dialogue, and on (3) intercultural competencies and team-working skills.
  • Forschendes Lernen im Uniseum: Zusammen mit dem Uniseum und dem Historischen Seminar hat das UCF unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Dieter Speck (WS 2017/18 -2018/19) ein Lehrprojekt angeboten, bei dem Ausstellungsbestandteile des Uniseums von Studierenden unter sachkundiger wissenschaftlicher wie museumspraktischer Anleitung neu entwickelt bzw. überarbeitet wurden.
  • Faszination Wissenschaft: Hinter die Kulissen blicken – Forschungsdesign und Forschungspolitik für Bachelorstudierende. In den Projektseminaren "Faszination Wissenschaft" erlernen Studierende die Grundlagen der praktischen Arbeit im Berufsfeld Wissenschaft. (2013–2017)
  • Harvard Summer School: In the summer semester 2016 and in cooperation between the University of Freiburg and Harvard University, UCF hosted the first Harvard Summer School in Freiburg. 
  • IndiTrack: Das interdisziplinäre Zusatzjahr für Bachelorstudierende (20122015) 
  • Lehre-n: Financed by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, UCF hosted a series of Problem-Based Learning workshops with Prof. Wim Gijselaers und Prof. Harm Hospers from Maastricht University (2013–2014).