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#2 LAS at UCF

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Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) is a specific approach to Bachelor level education and an alternative to disciplinary study. We understand LAS education as a process of intellectual discovery and personal development in an interdisciplinary and international learning community.

Want to know more? Have a look at the information on our website:

And see our introductory video presentations below:

#Video: Thorsten Leiendecker on the LAS Core and Foundational Year

Thorsten Leiendecker, the LAS Program Coordinator, presents the LAS Core and Foundational Year:

#Video: Prof. Veronika Lipphardt on Reflections on Science and Knowledge

Prof. Veronika Lipphardt holds the professorship in Science and Technology Studies at UCF. Here, she presents our concept of "Reflections on Science and Knowledge":

(video from 2020)

#Video: Prof. Frieder Vogelmann on Epistemology and Theory of Science

Frieder Vogelmann is professor for Epistemology and Theory of Science. Here, he discusses his academic field and its role in the LAS Program.

#Video: Dr. Ursula Glunk, former Academic Director, on the LAS Curriculum

Dr. Ursula Glunk, former Academic Director, on the LAS and the LAS Curriculum at UCF:

UCF Liberal Arts and Sciences